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Customer Service Specialist 3
Hawk Central
Send email or MS-H5
Adjunct Instructor
Arts, Humanities & Communication
509-542-4313 or ext.2613
Send email or MS-A14
Social & Behavioral Sciences
509-544-4914 or ext.2914
Send email or MS-SWL1
Assistant Director for Student Activities
Student Activities
509-542-4828 or ext.2228
Send email or MS-H1
Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology
Career & Technical Education
509-544-2265 or ext.2265
Send email or MS-CTE
Transitional Studies
509-542-5501 or ext.2301
Send email or MS-A6
Worker Retraining Special Skills Instructor
Workforce Education Center
Showing 26 - 32 of 32 entries